Sunday, December 23, 2007

Young Bobcat

Nikon D2xs, Nikkor 70-200 f/2.8 @ 120mm, 1/500 @ f/5.0, ISO 320, Adobe Lightroom, Adobe CS3, Kirk Ballhead, Gitzo Tripod.
I am getting ready for a return trip to Montana/s Triple D Game Preserve in Kalispell, MT on January 6th 2008. Just acquired a Nikon D3 and hope to test out its many features for 5 days capturing images similar to the above Bobcat. This youngster was quite playfull and enjoyed the snow. Paid no attention to the six photographers that invaded his space. Jay and Kim Deist run a great program at Triple D. If you are excited about wildlife photography, then Triple D in winter is the place to be. Watch for future posts as I revisit past experiences with Montana's wildlife.

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