Sunday, October 28, 2007

Maligne Lake

Nikon D2Xs, Nikon 18-200 VR Lens @ 34mm, ISO 100, 3 sec, f/16, Cloudy White Balance, Adobe Lightroom, CS3.
Maligne Lake in Jasper National Forest in the Canadian Rockies is truly a great place to visit. This image was captured after sunset while the Twilight was glistening off the water. A harvest moon helped with some special lighting on this fabulous Boat House.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Stanley Falls

Nikon D2Xs, Nikon 18-200 VR lens @ 35mm, ISO 100, 2.5sec, f/22, White Balance: Cloudy, Manual Mode, Spot Metering, Nikon Capture NX, Photoshop CS3.
After an invigorating walk into the Stanley Falls area you find several waterfalls. This "Punch Bowl" was one of the most dynamic. Definately worth the walk. Stanley Falls, Canadian Rockies, September 2007.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Rustic Falls

Nikon D2Xs, Nikkor 70-200 f2.8 lens @ 129mm, Manual Mode, Spot Metering, ISO 100, 1/5 sec, f/11, Cloudy White Balance, Nikon Capture NX, Photoshop CS3.
Rustic Falls in Yellowstone National park is a unique setting that should not be missed while in the park. Cloudy and overcast days are perfect for capturing images of these great waterfalls. Yellowstone National Park, June, 2007.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Moose Falls

Nikon D2Xs, Nikkor 24-120 VR Lens at 66mm. ISO 100, Manual Mode, F5.3, Shutterspeed unrecorded. Nikon Capture NX, Photoshop CS3.
Bringing back another waterfall image from a recent trip to the Grand Tetons. Here is an image of Moose Falls. A note of excitement of late!! A previous post showed my image capture of Moraine Lake in the Canadian Rockies. I just received notice that it has been selected in the third tier of the North American Nature Photographers Association's 2008 Showcase. It was selected in the top 250 images out of 4,251 images submitted and only had a 5% chance of being selected. That image will apprear in NANPA's "Expressions" journal being published next year.

Monday, October 01, 2007


Nikon D2Xs, Nikon 200 f/4 Macro lens, ISO 400, F/11.0, 1/250, Aperture Priority, R1C1 Flash, Nikon Capture NX, CS3
A recent trip to the Butterfly House at the Toledo Zoo provided us a great opportunity to capture Butterflies in an early morning shoot with the Toledo Area Metro Parks. The zoo was kind enough to allow us in the door before the masses of people to give us a better shooting opportunity. I had a chance to practice with the Nikon R1C1 flash and it was really cool. More to come.